Open 24/7 SD: 619-814-5110 | OC: 949-681-7020 | Vista: 760-814-6025

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    Escondido DUI Lawyer
    Open 24/7   SD: 619-814-5110 | OC: 949-681-7020 | Vista: 760-814-6025

    Escondido DUI Lawyer

    Escondido DUI Lawyer

    Escondido DUI Lawyer

    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drunk driving kills about 28 people each day in the United States. Driving under the influence is illegal no matter what state you’re in; yet over one-third of all traffic fatalities in the country involve a drunk driver. If you’re caught driving drunk in California, you could face some of the strictest laws in the country, so you’ll need to reach out to an experienced Escondido DUI Lawyer right away to protect your rights. Attorney Dod of Dod Law has over 17 years of experience defending Escondido residents for DUI charges and will do everything to ensure that you win the best outcome possible.

    What to Do after a DUI Arrest in Escondido

    Getting pulled over is a scary experience regardless of the situation but getting pulled over and arrested for a DUI can turn your world upside down. The best course of action is to remain calm, stay quiet and don’t admit to anything, and seek experienced legal counsel as soon as possible.

    Anyone who is caught driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in California will immediately lose their driving privileges, hindering their ability to get around town or commute to work. As a first-degree misdemeanor in California, you could also face:

    • Up to six months in jail
    • Suspended driver’s license
    • Up to $1,000 in fines
    • License reinstatement fee

    An arrest for a DUI can show up on your background check for the rest of your life. It’s crucial to appoint an attorney as soon as possible so that they can construct the most solid case possible for your defense.

    Driving Under the Influence Process in California

    If you are arrested for driving under the influence in Escondido, your driver’s license will automatically be suspended for 30 days. The only way you could keep this from happening is if you are able to request a hearing with the Department of Motor Vehicles to stop the suspension.

    From there, Attorney Dod will guide you through your criminal proceeding, starting with an arraignment where you can enter a plea. Following the arraignment, your case will continue to trial where he will use his 17 years of experience in California DUI cases to negotiate on your behalf. 

    If you end up being convicted, Dod Law will fight for you to receive the least damaging penalties possible by applying his skills as an expert negotiator. Being arrested is always scary, but with Attorney Dod by your side, you can rest assured that your mistake will affect as little of your life as possible.

    Possible DUI Defense Approaches

    You may feel that your DUI case is pretty cut and dry, but any seasoned criminal defense attorney knows that DUI cases are naturally complex. At Dod Law, attorney Dod has years of experience navigating DUI laws in California that he will put to work to develop a strong case on your behalf. After investigating the facts of your DUI arrest, it may be possible to apply the following defenses:

    • Improper chemical testing
    • Unlawful arrest
    • Lack of probable cause
    • Police misconduct
    • Medical conditions
    • Title 17 violation
    • Alcohol residue in the mouth
    • Miranda violations

    The best way to challenge a driving under the influence charge in Escondido is by hiring a lawyer that will make sure that no stone is left unturned. Driving under the influence cases are not something you want to fight alone and without experienced legal representation. Protect your future today by trusting Attorney Dod of Dod Law with your case.

    Reach Out to a Trusted Escondido DUI Lawyer

    If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Escondido, California, you’ll want a knowledgeable and dedicated DUI lawyer to answer any questions you may have and build a strong defense for your case. Attorney Dod has worked on over 6,500 criminal defense cases across the state and knows that even your first DUI charge will open a criminal record that may affect your life for years to come.

    At Dod Law, our two favorite words are “not guilty”. With over 20 years of experience, Attorney Dod will ensure that you’re always being fairly represented in court. To schedule a free consultation with a member of our first-class legal team, call us today at our San Diego office (619) 814-5110 | Orange County office 949-681-7020  | Vista office 760-814-6025 | or schedule an appointment by filling out our online contact form

    What To Expect With Your Escondido DUI

    At a Glance

    Meet Attorney Dod Ghassemkhani

    • Recent Case Results
    • San Diego Criminal Defense Bar Association | Named San Diego County’s 2023 Trial Lawyer Of The Year
    • Award Winning Criminal Defense Attorney
    • The National Trial Lawyers: Top 100 Trial Lawyers
    • Over 20 years of criminal defense experience
    • 10.0 “Superb” Avvo Rating