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    Protecting Your Rights If You Are Accused of Domestic Violence During the Holiday Season in San Diego

    Posted on: December 9th, 2024 by Dod Law

    Domestic Violence in San Diego During the Holidays

    Domestic Violence in San Diego During the Holidays

    Accusations of domestic abuse do more than compromise your personal relationships. If you don’t challenge domestic violence during the holiday season, you risk taking on significant fines and imprisonment. You may face additional consequences, including the loss of custody of your children, if you let your charges go unaddressed. Learn more about domestic violence in San Diego during the holidays.

    Fortunately, you’re not alone. Our domestic violence defense attorneys at Dod Law have helped hundreds of clients challenge domestic violence charges that angry partners have weaponized against innocent people. We’re ready to stand up for you. 

    Why Do People Make False Accusations of Domestic Violence?

    When people make false claims of domestic violence, they not only jeopardize their former partner’s freedom – they denigrate the millions of men, women, and children who suffer genuine abuse but are all too often unbelieved.

    Unfortunately, false accusations of domestic abuse are not uncommon. They are often employed in divorce proceedings and custodial battles, ostensibly to gain the upper hand in negotiations, secure custody of their children, or ruin a former partner’s reputation.

    How to Protect Your Rights After Being Accused of Domestic Violence

    There are several strategies you can utilize to protect your rights after being accused of domestic violence, including:

    Limit Contact With Your Ex-Partner

    A domestic violence accusation can be emotionally overwhelming. Even if you know you did nothing wrong, you might already be facing a law enforcement investigation, criminal charges, and increasingly hostile family and friends. While you might wish to speak directly to your partner, it’s better to limit contact during this time.

    Discuss Your Concerns With Your Support Network

    Confide in close friends and relatives. If your partner is behaving erratically and threatening you with a false allegation of domestic violence, tell a friend, a relative, or even a national help hotline. Your loved ones could support you in court if your case is ever escalated. Confiding in loved ones can help you retain a support network if law enforcement becomes involved.

    Secure Bank Accounts and Social Media

    Secure your financial and social media accounts. A disgruntled and potentially unstable partner could go to great and seemingly unbelievable lengths to complicate your life, even if it means fabricating evidence against you. If your partner has announced their intent to initiate a domestic abuse case or civil lawsuit, ensure they no longer have access to any shared accounts they could use against you. You can do this by blocking them or by deleting your accounts altogether. 

    Cultivate a Defense Against False Accusations | Domestic Violence in San Diego 

    If your partner says you abused them on a certain day or in a certain way, check your records. Many false allegations of domestic abuse are spontaneously and poorly planned. Your partner may have said you hurt them when you were really at work or visiting family.

    A domestic violence accusation can have serious repercussions. Even if your partner’s claims seem fabricated, the police and the prosecutor’s office may still be obliged to undertake a full and thorough investigation. You stand your best chance of reasserting your rights when you have a skilled professional in your corner.

    Dod Law Can Fight For You | Domestic Violence in San Diego 

    Don’t let an angry spouse or former partner put your future at risk this holiday season. You have the right to defend yourself against wrongful accusations of domestic violence. You can connect with Dod Law today to discuss how an experienced domestic violence defense attorney can preserve your rights.

    To schedule a free consultation with a member of our first-class legal team, call us today at our San Diego office (619) 627-0214 | Orange County office 949-681-7020  | Vista office 760-283-6715 | or schedule an appointment by filling out our online contact form

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