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    What Happens to the False Accuser After a Domestic Violence Case?

    Posted on: September 4th, 2023 by Dod Law

    Penalty for False Accusation of Domestic ViolencePenalty for False Accusation of Domestic Violence

    There is nothing worse than being falsely accused of domestic violence. False charges can have many repercussions that extend beyond the criminal justice system. These false allegations can destroy your reputation, cause financial hardships, and cause other legal issues that will cost time and money to sort out.  Learn more about what happens to the false accuser after false accusations of domestic violence.  Learn more about the penalty for a false accusation of domestic violence.

    When you hire a criminal defense attorney experienced and skilled in domestic violence defense cases, they will work hard to expose the false accuser for what they are. However, the damage may have already been done to other aspects of your life. But what happens to the false accuser after the domestic violence case is over? Reach out to Dod Law, APC today for help with your case.

    Potential Repercussions for False Accusations of Domestic Violence

    Some potential repercussions for false accusers after a domestic violence case include:

    Criminal Record

    When accusers file a false police report of a crime, there are consequences that the accuser can face. In California, if a person reports to law enforcement officials that a felony or a misdemeanor has been committed and knows the report to be false, they can be charged with a misdemeanor crime. They must have intended to deceive or deliberately withhold information for the malicious purpose of false accusation. The accuser’s intent in your case includes reporting that you committed a domestic violence crime when no crime occurred.

    Charges of Perjury

    The crime of perjury is committed if an accuser takes an oath to testify truthfully or to confirm an affidavit as being truthful but willfully and contrary to the oath makes statements of truth that they know to be false. However, proof of perjury doesn’t solely rest on contradicting testimony. Perjury must be proven with direct or indirect evidence that may come to light during the domestic violence court proceedings.

    When an accuser testifies under oath falsely or submits an affidavit they know to be false, saying that you committed a domestic violence crime when you didn’t, this can be considered perjury. Perjury is a felony punishable by imprisonment for two, three, or four years in state prison. 

    Other Factors to Note

    While having to go through the criminal justice system because you were falsely accused of a domestic violence crime, you may have had other consequences as a result. Those consequences could have included losing your job or professional license or damaging your reputation. Other legal issues could have come about, like the loss of visitation or custody of your children or immigration problems if you’re a non-citizen.

    These can derail your life in many ways, and you shouldn’t have to bear the burden of these consequences alone. If evidence of malice or fraud is presented, the court can also award punitive damages to punish the accuser and to deter them from repeating their behavior. There is no cap on the amount of punitive damages the court can award.

    What Happens When You Are Arrested for Domestic Violence in San Diego

    Consult San Diego’s Skilled Domestic Violence Defense Attorneys at Dod Law, APC

    Are you wondering if there will be any repercussions for a false accuser is a typical response when facing domestic violence charges brought on by false allegations. The legal counsel at Dod Law, APC will be able to advise you of any charges the false accuser may face and their associated penalties. We will work hard to provide the best possible outcome for your case while protecting you from any more charges being brought against you by false accusers.

    Our attorneys are experienced and skilled in domestic violence cases generated by false accusers. We will do everything we can to stand up for you in a criminal court of law with our 19 years of experience. If you’ve been falsely accused of domestic violence and need legal representation, call us at our San Diego office (619) 814-5110 | Vista office 760-814-6025 or complete our contact form for your free case review.

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