Open 24/7 SD: 619-814-5110 | OC: 949-681-7020 | Vista: 760-814-6025
First-time convictions for a criminal misdemeanor or felony can result in jail or prison time, fines, and other penalties, including a criminal record that could follow you for the rest of your life. However, the courts understand that more
Similar to other specialized court systems, such as drug courts and veteran’s courts, California’s Behavioral Health court program is an alternative to navigating the criminal justice system for people with behavioral health problems. Behavioral health courts were developed more
California takes drug crimes very seriously, especially if they occur in school zones. According to state and federal law, drug crimes are punished far more harshly when committed within 1,000 feet of drug-free zones (DFZs), including school zones. more
When California enacted the Realignment Program in 2011, it was intended to reduce overcrowding in state prisons and alleviate the devastating financial burden on taxpayers. This program also sought to improve public safety by diverting low-level offenders into more